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Classroom News!

November 11-22


For the past two weeks our theme at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia, has been "Apples." We learned the letter A, the color red, and the number 6. We will meet only one day this upcoming week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

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Apples Newsletter at Creative Kids Preschool Fredericksburg Virginia.

November 4-8

Review Week

I hope everyone had a wonderful Veterans Day! Be sure to express your gratitude to the men and women who have served our great country throughout the year. Last week at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia, we were in review mode, highlighting the letters N, P, O, and C, as well as the color orange and the shapes square and circle. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Parents... please feel free to supplement your child's early education with my free online preschool program at Creative Kids Virtual Preschool. Over 70 of my best virtual preschool lessons! Colors, Pets, Dinosaurs, Nutrition, Seasons, and lots more. No fees, prerecorded 30-minute videos are available 24/7 for your convenience.

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Review week at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia!

October 28-November 1


Last week's learning theme was "caterpillars." We focused on the letter "C" and the shape "circle." Parents, please encourage your child to practice their letters, numbers, shapes, and colors at home as often as possible. Thank you for all you do!

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Caterpillar theme at Creative Kids Preschool Fredericksburg Virginia

October 21-25

Nocturnal Animals

This week at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, VA, we will be learning about nocturnal animals. The owl will be featured in our weekly newsletter. Did you know that owls are nocturnal, meaning they are awake at night and asleep during the day?

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Nocturnal animals at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg VA.

October 14-18


Last week, at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia, we explored our furry friends, PETS! We also practiced the letter "P" and the shape "square". If you could have any animal as your pet, what would it be? Parents, please continue to help your child review their letters and numbers.

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Pets Newsletter at Creative Kids Preschool Fredericksburg, Virginia.

October 07-11

Five Senses

Last week's theme at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia was "N" is for Nose. We enjoyed learning all about our five senses: touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing! We also highlighted the letter "N" and the number 5.

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#onlinepreschool #virtualpreschool #preschoolonline

Five Senses newsletter at Creative Kids Preschool Fredericksburg, Virginia.

September 30 - October 04

September Review

Last week we were in review mode at Creative Kids Preschool, Fredericksburg, Virginia. We revisited letters M, S, R, T, and numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

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#onlinepreschool #virtualpreschool #preschoolonline

September Review Newsletter .jpg

September 23-27

Trains & Transportation

"Trains & Transportation" is on the learning menu for this upcoming week at Creative Kids Preschool, Fredericksburg, VA. We will be going over the Letter T and number 4.

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Trains & Transportation Newsletter  at Creative Kids Preschool Fredericksburg Virginia

September 16-20


Week three of the 2024-25 preschool year at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, VA is all about RAINBOWS! Don't forget to practice the letters and numbers you've learned.

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Creative Kids Preschool Online Virtual Newsletter All About Rainbows

September 09-13


Another fantastic week at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia! Last week's theme was "STARS." Making star-shaped cookies and putting the icing on top proved to be a very popular (and delicious) activity.

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Another fantastic week at Creative Kids Preschool in Fredericksburg, Virginia! Last week's theme was "STARS."

My in-person preschool is full this year, but that doesn't mean your child can't learn with us at Creative Kids Preschool. You can access my online preschool lessons for free at

September 04-06


The 2024-25 preschool year kicked off wonderfully. I'm blessed with a fantastic group of kids, and we're set to have a great time this year. We began by familiarizing ourselves with one another and the classroom rules. After that, we eagerly jumped into our first theme of the year: the Moon!

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